Thursday, April 24, 2008

The next few weeks

The next few weeks for me(3 to be specific) are going to be very hectic. I begin my deployment on May 12th, 2008. Until then I have many things to accomplish. My Last day at Newton County is scheduled to be May 1st, 2008. Between now and then I have a Relay for Life event where I will be using my skills as a clown to entertain the children there. I also have another clown appearance scheduled at Heathers school. This appearance is a reward to all of the first grade classes for good behavior and hard work during their state testing. I also have a trip planned to go home to Indiana to see family before I leave. Also in the next 3 weeks, I am going to a Braves game, doing something with John, Shannon, Broderick, Camden, and Adalynn. Needless to say, I am very busy but enjoying my last few days here in Georgia.