Friday, May 16, 2008

Houston, Texas

This week has been full meetings, briefings, and alot of the military "Hurry up and wait". There are 21 of us here waiting to be deployed. We leave here Sunday and fly to Dubai. We will spend approximately 1 1/2 days there. After that we will fly into Camp Liberty in Baghdad. They are telling us we will be there for about 1 week after that. From there we will all disperse to our individual bases and begin our tours. As a group we have all bonded very quickly and very well. We spend alot of time hanging out by the pool and shooting the breeze. Last night(Thursday) was $1 longneck night at the local dance hall Tumbleweeds. 13 of us loaded up in the hotel shuttle and headed over there for a fun time. A few of us called it quits and came back to the hotel around 11. The rest(single guys) who knows what time they got it. Today we sign our final contracts and get our flight info out of Houston. We will either be flying from houston into London, Amsterdam, or Atlanta. From there we will have a direct flight to Dubai. That is about all we know at this point. So for now we just continue to enjoy the calm before the storm. Hope to see and talk to you all later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey There!
I love that you have a blog. It's really nice to be able to read and keep up with what all you're doing. This whole part of your trip sounds kinda frustrating just waiting it out and not getting very specific details. I wish you well! Can't wait to read the next one!

Amy Jalane